It’s worth keeping an eye on that blog

Dear friends,

I’m very proud to tell you that Colonial Nuggets has been awarded with ‘Vale a pena ficar de olho nesse blog award by Juan Ignacio Castro, a teacher of English, author of an awesome blog: Learning English in Brunete. Thank you Juan Ignacio, I am really grateful.

This award is part of an initiative that seeks to highlight the blogs of other teachers and students. The chosen blog has to copy the picture (the one on the left), with a link to the blog from which it has received the award. Then you have to write ten more links to the blogs which are well worth a visit.

I think it’s a very cool way to see the work being done by other people in their classrooms. What do you think?

Well, here I go, this is my list:

I hope you will find it interesting.

So say we all!!